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Argentine Tango School

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“Suerte loca” by Enrique Rodriguez y su Orquesta Típica with Armando Moreno in vocals, 1941. (English translation of the lyrics)

Anselmo Aieta | Bandoneonista, compositor y director | (5 noviembre 1896 - 25 septiembre 1964) | History of Tango | MusicAnselmo Aieta

Bandoneonist, composer and leader
(5 November 1896 – 25 September 1964)

A genuine product of a period, Aieta represents the essentially intuitive and self taught musician whose privileged musical ear and innate talent generously replace his academic lacks.

Nevertheless, it is in his overwhelming work as composer where the flame of his geniality reaches a brighter light, either due to the huge volume of his output or because of that display of originality, beauty and vigor that beats in each one of the melodies born out of his inexhaustible creative spring which have consecrated him as one of the top rhapsodes of the people. He was a painter of happiness and sadness that changed colors for sounds.

The peak of his inspiration was in the twenties and in the early thirties: “Suerte loca” (1925). Continue reading at…

“En el naipe del vivir
suelo acertar la carta de la boca,
y a mi lado oigo decir
que es porque estoy con una suerte loca.
Al saber le llaman suerte..!
Yo aprendí viendo trampearme,
y ahora sólo han de coparme
cuando banquen con la Muerte.
En el naipe del vivir,
para ganar, primero perdí.

Yo también entré a jugar
confiado en la ceguera del azar
y luego vi que todo era mentir
y el capital en manos del más vil…
No me creés…¡Te pierde el corazón!
¡Qué fe tenés!…¿No ves que no acertás?
¿Que si apuntás a cartas de ilusión
son de dolor las cartas que se dan?

No me envidies si me ves
acertador, pues soy el Desengaño…
Y si ciego así perdés,
es que tenés los lindos veinte años…
El tapete es la esperanza
y, a pesar de lo aprendido,
si me dan lo que he perdido
vuelve a hundirme la confianza…
¡Suerte loca es conservar
una ilusión en tanto penar!”

English translation:

On life’s deck of cards
I usually guess the card on the top,
and by my side I hear them say
that it is because I have crazy luck.
It is “knowledge” what they call “luck”…!
I learned this watching them cheating,
and now they would only defeat me
when they count with Death’s help.
In life’s deck of cards,
to be able to win, first I lost.
I also went to play
confident in the blindness of chance
and then I saw that everything was lying
and the money in the hands of the most despicable…
You do not believe me… Your heart is making you lose!
How much faith you have!… Do you not see that you’re wrong?
That if you anticipate receiving cards of hope
they give cards of pain?Do not envy me if you see me
winner, because I am the Disappointment…
And if blind, you lose,
is that you are a beautiful twenty-something…
The playing table is hope
and, despite what has been learned,
if they would give me what I have lost
my confidence sinks me again …
Crazy luck is to keep
your hopes while suffering so much!

Music: Anselmo Aieta.
Lyrics: Francisco García Jiménez.

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“Barrio reo” by Rodolfo Biagi y su Orquesta Típica with Carlos Acuña in vocals, 1943.

Carlos Acuña. Argentine music at Escuela de Tango de Buenos Aires.Carlos Acuña

Singer and composer
(November 4, 1915 – February 19, 1999)

Due to his commanding presence, which seamlessly blends the true essence of a tango singer, and owing to his profound, resonant voice, he honored the innate rhythm of the Buenos Aires melody. He was driven by a spirited tenacity that compelled him to share his vocals far and wide.

For all these reasons, Carlos remains and will continue to be one of the greatest vocalists of Tango.

By the end of 1942, he was requested by Rodolfo Biagi and made his debut on Radio Splendid. As he turned out a boom, the broadcasting itself organized for them a tour throughout the country. They also made as well a successful tour of Chile. His career with Biagi ended in 1944, and he committed to record twelve pieces. Continue reading at…

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“Pastora” by Alfredo De Ángelis y su Orquesta Típica with Carlos Dante and Julio Martel in vocals, 1948.

Julio Martel, Carlos Dante, Alfredo De Angelis. Escuela de Tango de Buenos Aires. Argentine music.Alfredo De Angelis

Pianist, leader and composer.
(2 November 1910 – 31 March 1992)

Alfredo De Angelis belongs to the group of orchestras that focused their interest on dancing.

This, however, does not mean they lacked artistic value, on the contrary, they were precise in execution, with good arrangements and were lined-up with great musicians and vocalists.

De Angelis had the beauty of a harmonious and synchronized work, from which a neat simple tango was evidenced, achieved through an efficient handling of rhythm, a careful respect for melody and the showcasing of the singer. Continue reading at…

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“Fuimos” by Anibal Troilo y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Marino in vocals, 1946.

Homero Manzi. Argentine music at Escuela de Tango de Buenos Aires.Homero Manzi

Poet and lyricist
(November 1, 1907 – May 3, 1951)

Manzi has given, like no one else, poetry to tango lyrics. He was a poet who never published a book of poems.

His poetry was evidenced only through songs, from country themes to urban music, where he would be at his best. In this way, he became immensely popular without giving up his poet feelings. He resorted to metaphors, even surrealist, but never so much as to prevent ordinary people from fully understanding his message.

“Fuimos”, written together with the inspired bandoneon player José Dames, is a poem with extremely daring images (“I was like a rain of ashes and fatigue /in the resigned hours of your life …”) considering that it was a popular song; however, “Fuimos” would charm both public and interpreters, remaining as a paradigm of the elaborated and aesthetically ambitious tango. Continue reading at…

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“Junto a tu corazón” by Carlos Di Sarli y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Podestá in vocals, 1942.

José Maria Contursi. Argentine music at Escuela de Tango de Buenos Aires.José María Contursi

Poet and lyricist
(31 October 1911 – 11 May 1972)

A lyricist essentially poetic, sensitive and prolific, José María Contursi created a great number of hits.

His huge work reveals a creator of even inspiration, careful and experienced though somewhat reiterative in his themes and only exceptionally original and truly daring. Continue reading at…

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