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Argentine Tango School

“Demasiado tarde” by Ángel D’Agostino y su Orquesta Típica with Ángel Vargas in vocals, 1946.

“Demasiado tarde” by Ángel D’Agostino y su Orquesta Típica with Ángel Vargas in vocals, 1946.

Music: Francisco Troppoli. Lyrics: Agustín Horacio Delamónica.

“It’s all the same, nothing has changed:
the same patio, the same sun,
the same ivy, which, like my hope
kept growing in my absence
staying green as ever…

It’s just me who’s come back changed,
carrying all my life’s suffering.
I feel the stab of disillusionment in my chest
as my pained heart bleeds with suffering…

My darling…talk to me!
At least tell me that you hate me.
But don’t just stand there silent and indifferent,
because your frigidity is killing me…

Tell me all your woes—
come on, don’t harbor such resentment for me!
I need the warmth of your endearment,
your caresses, and your love.

I’ve come back too late
to be able to comfort you.
I’m carrying this weight on my conscience:
knowing that you’ve never
been able to forgive me…

Only now do I understand all the pain
that my abandonment caused you…
You have suffered so much! The wrinkles drawn
on your face are the traces
of your weeping and your sorrow.”

Translation: Derrick Del Pilar.

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We are happy to have a collaboration with the people from from whom some of you may have heard, they do high-quality transfers from original tango shellacs.

It is the number 1 source for professional Tango DJs all over the world.

  • Now they started a new project that addresses the dancers and the website is
    You will find two compilations at the beginning, one tango and one vals compilation in amazing quality.
    The price is 50€ each (for 32 songs each compilation) and now the good news!

If you enter the promo code 8343 when you register at this site you will get a 20% discount!

Thanks for supporting this project, you will find other useful information on the site, a great initiative.

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“Danza maligna” by Enrique Rodríguez y su Orquesta Típica with Armando Moreno in vocals, 1940.

“Danza maligna” by Enrique Rodríguez y su Orquesta Típica with Armando Moreno in vocals, 1940.

Music: Fernando Randle. Lyrics: Claudio Frollo.

“Courageous compass measures are dragged
of the tango that shrinks and stretches …
His suffering music would seem
feel that a threat is coming.
We will both live the quarter of an hour
of the nostalgic and malignant dance.
Let’s hear the hearts beat
under the number of Venus Aphrodite.

The pleasure of the gods, perverse dancing,
Tango is a rite and is religion;
Criollas orchestras are their altars
and the priest, his bandoneon.

I want to feel trapped
as in the prison of my pain,
keep silent, half my soul
that there is a secret between the two.

Courageous compass measures are dragged
of the tango that takes over the fibers.
The game of your curlers in my temples
will be the extreme unction of my agony.
I invite you to penetrate this temple
where love purifies it all.
We will both live the quarter of an hour
of nostalgic and evil dance!”

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“Porteño y bailarín” by Carlos Di Sarli y su Orquesta Típica with Jorge Durán in vocals, 1945 (English translation).

“Porteño y bailarín” by Carlos Di Sarli y su Orquesta Típica with Jorge Durán in vocals, 1945 (English translation).

Music: Carlos Di Sarli. Lyrics: Héctor Marcó.

Porteño and dancer, you made me Tango, as I am:
Romantic and sweet …

Your violin inspires me, the soul of your compass drags me,
the bandoneon lulls me …
A melancholic little house, sighing love,
I gave her my love at your doors,
and in your criolla little window leaning to the sun,
broke my strings yesterday.
All my drama is in your voice
hands in goodbye,
lips in lipstick …
For her and for her love you made me Tango, as I am:
Porteño and dancer!

What does the dream matter
that steal from my pupils,
the lying hours
to dance without calm.
What does fear matter
to give my life!
If I found the kiss
that my soul asks me.
Today I know they were
tangos, love and drinks,
crazy swallows,
in my heart.

Porteño and dancer, Tango resounds … that in your voice
today I live in a soap opera.
Her breath returns to me like that night I hugged,
her tender heart …
A melancholic little house of glass and blue,
if to ask, she comes back once,
in your criolla little window transformed into a cross,
tell her how much I cried for her.
A guitar, a bordonear,
dreams and sing …
Everything was taken away!
Porteño and dancer, you made me Tango, as I am,
romantic and sweet …

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“Historia de un amor” by Héctor Varela y su Orquesta Típica with Rodolfo Lesica in vocals, 1956 (English translation).

“Historia de un amor” by Héctor Varela y su Orquesta Típica with Rodolfo Lesica in vocals, 1956 (English translation).

Rodolfo Lesica, Argentine Tango singer.

Rodolfo Lesica (in the photo) worked with Héctor Varela from 1950 until 1961.

When he definitively split with the orchestra that so many unforgettable times brought to tango, as the finale of that stage it is important to highlight a story about the probably most successful hit of the Varela-Lesica team.

Varela was a close friend of the musician Alfredo Malerba‘s, husband of the great female singer Libertad Lamarque.

In 1956, on a meeting held by Varela and Malerba, the latter told the former that they had brought from Mexico a beautiful bolero that doña Libertad wanted to record as a tango.

Varela suggested Rodolfo Lesica that he should try to get it.

Lesica visited Libertad and asked it promising that he would record it after she had done it.

But Varela and Lesica recorded it immediately and it became a boom.

The bolero adapted as tango was “Historia de un amor”.

Soon later Lesica met Libertad, at first he pretended not to see her because he was embarrassed, but she instead of making any complaint congratulated him for the recording and the success of the piece.

Story of love

You’re no longer by my side, sweetheart
I have only loneliness in my soul
and if I can’t see you anymore,
why God made me love you
to make me suffer more …

You were always the reason for my existence,
worshiping you for me was religion.
And in your kisses I found
the fire that gave me,
The love and passion.

It is the story of love,
as there is no other like it.
That made me understand,
all good and all evil
that turn on my life,
turning it off later.
Oh, what a dark life,
my sweetheart,
without your love, I will not live!

Continue reading about Rodolfo Lesica at

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We are happy to have a collaboration with the people from from whom some of you may have heard, they do high-quality transfers from original tango shellacs.

It is the number 1 source for professional Tango DJs all over the world.

  • Now they started a new project that addresses the dancers and the website is
    You will find two compilations at the beginning, one tango and one vals compilation in amazing quality.
    The price is 50€ each (for 32 songs each compilation) and now the good news!

If you enter the promo code 8343 when you register at this site you will get a 20% discount!

Thanks for supporting this project, you will find other useful information on the site, a great initiative.

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More Argentine Tango music selected for you:

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“Esquinas porteñas” by Ángel D’Agostino y su Orquesta Típica with Ángel Vargas in vocals, 1942.

“Esquinas porteñas” by Ángel D’Agostino y su Orquesta Típica with Ángel Vargas in vocals, 1942.

Music: Sebastián Piana. Lyrics: Homero Manzi.

Buenos Aires neighborhood corner
the moon and the sun paint your walls.
The winter rains cry for you
in the watercolors of my evocation.

Thirty moons know my wound
and a hundred streets saw us go by.
Your life and my life crossed,
you took the path that never returns.

Streets, where the meek life
lost hope,
passion and faith.
Streets, if I know that she is already dead,
knocking on every door
why will I look for her?
Little streets, shaded with poetry,
they saw us one day
both happy.
Companion of the sun and the stars,
that afternoon left
God’s way.

The winds murmur my sorrow.
The shadows tell me that he’s already gone.
And written in the serene nights
I find her name as an obsession.

A little corner of Buenos Aires neighborhood,
with walls painted with the moon and the sun,
that when crying with your winter rains
you stain the landscape of my evocation.

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