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Argentine Tango School

Argentine Tango intermediate class: forward backward move, pause and forward ochos (follower’s details)

Argentine Tango intermediate class: forward backward move, pause and forward ochos (follower’s details)

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Developing the habit of pausing after every element, allows you to continue with any move you want.

Here is an example. Pay attention to the follower’s details explained here.

Learn to dance Argentine Tango in the San Francisco Bay Area:

Argentine Tango intermediate class: forward-backward move and pause

Argentine Tango intermediate class: forward backward move and pause

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A very important element of the technique of Tango dancing is the pause.

It allows you to control your inertia, as it develops during your dance.

Learn to dance Argentine Tango in the San Francisco Bay Area:

Argentine Tango beginner class: walking in front and out side with learning hold

Argentine Tango beginner class: walking in front and out side with learning hold

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When you are new to Tango, most probably the embrace will be very difficult.

That is why a good solution is to use a learning hold to practice and learn, until you acquire enough control to be able to embrace your partner.

Learn to dance Argentine Tango in the San Francisco Bay Area: