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Argentine Tango School

El Cachafaz and Carmencita Calderon - Tango dancer's leyends

Ovidio José Benito Bianquet “El Cachafaz”

El Cachafaz

(14 February 1885 – 7 February 1942)

His story is part of the tango mythology, a legend; today, very few who have witnessed his life or art remain. His image was captured in the film Tango, which premiered in 1933, where he can be seen with his partner Carmencita Calderón, just a girl under 20 years old.

His nickname remained for our everyday history as his definitive first and last names: El Cachafaz.

According to the lunfardo dictionary by Adolfo Enrique Rodríguez, “cachafaz” means rascal, shameless, insolent, rogue, or idler.

He may have been, and it is possible he had not; his face inspired doubts. Combed “a la gomina” (with a sticky paste), the hair tightly pulled backward, Indian-like features and pock-marked, he always appeared with a severe countenance in pictures and on movies. Read more at…

Marcelo Solis

I was born in Argentina. Through my family and the community that saw my upbringing, I have been intimately involved with the culture of Tango all my life, and have been an Argentine Tango dance performer, choreographer and instructor for over 30 years. I profoundly love Tango dancing, music, and culture, particularly that of the Golden Era. I am a milonguero.

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