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Argentine Tango School

Argentine Tango intermediate class with Miranda: dancing to Pedro Laurenz

Argentine Tango intermediate class with Miranda: dancing to Pedro Laurenz

Dance like none is watching?

This idea is wrong and misleading.
There is always someone watching. At least, yourself.
That is why true dancers are proud of themselves and their achievements, not as specialists (being recognized as a dancers), but for their lives as a whole.
You dance with your entire being.

You expose your whole self, and that is what is being watched, firstly by yourself.

If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area and want to learn to dance Tango, you can:

Learn to dance Argentine Tango

Argentine Tango private lesson with Marcelo Solis

Private lessons

Are the way to learn Argentine Tango

  • At our private lessons we work intensely on foundations, rhythm, musicality and connection with partner. We design a program according to your own goals and requirements.

  • While group classes are necessary to work on the social aspects of this beautiful art form, during private lessons we focus on the specific details of your dance which are important in achieving your goal of being a great dancer, a true milonguera or milonguero.

Book your private lesson

Argentine Tango dancing with Miranda: useful elements to dance at milongas’ class final review

Argentine Tango dancing with Miranda: intermediate class on useful elements for the milongas’ dance floor final review

A time that does not have time to dance is not worth it. 

For those who do not dance: Some of them want to pretend to dance. 

This is how most people live: they prefer to pretend to dance/live instead of dancing/living for real, although dancing/living exposes yourself transparently, while everybody else pretends to believe this pretension.

You can’t dance Tango any other way than being passionately in love with your dance partner for the duration of a song.

If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area and want to learn to dance Tango, you can:

Learn to dance Argentine Tango

Argentine Tango private lesson with Marcelo Solis

Private lessons

Are the way to learn Argentine Tango

  • At our private lessons we work intensely on foundations, rhythm, musicality and connection with partner. We design a program according to your own goals and requirements.

  • While group classes are necessary to work on the social aspects of this beautiful art form, during private lessons we focus on the specific details of your dance which are important in achieving your goal of being a great dancer, a true milonguera or milonguero.

Book your private lesson

Argentine Tango dancing with Miranda: final review of our intermediate class

Argentine Tango dancing with Miranda: final review of our intermediate class

When we were younger, 

much younger, in our childhood or when we were teens, we were free from all the commitments -chosen by us or otherwise imposed-, those that we acquired later in life.

It would have been a good time to learn to dance, like the milongueros from the past did.

It would be good to free ourselves from all restrictions and mundane commitments every time we learn about anything in general, and Tango dancing in particular.

If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area and want to learn to dance Tango, you can:

Learn to dance Argentine Tango

Argentine Tango private lesson with Marcelo Solis

Private lessons

Are the way to learn Argentine Tango

  • At our private lessons we work intensely on foundations, rhythm, musicality and connection with partner. We design a program according to your own goals and requirements.

  • While group classes are necessary to work on the social aspects of this beautiful art form, during private lessons we focus on the specific details of your dance which are important in achieving your goal of being a great dancer, a true milonguera or milonguero.

Book your private lesson

Argentine Tango dancing with Mimi at our beginner class

Argentine Tango dancing with Mimi at our beginner class

You dance because dancing is important for you.

Your body speaks clearly, but when you don’t dance you misunderstand yourself: you see only the ideas in your mind, from which your body is absent. 

Dancing is important for you, but you may choose not to know it. 

Do you choose to be the way you are? Do you accept how you are?

The way you are conditions and determine the path of your life. 

If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area and want to learn to dance Tango, you can:

Learn to dance Argentine Tango

Argentine Tango private lesson with Marcelo Solis

Private lessons

Are the way to learn Argentine Tango

  • At our private lessons we work intensely on foundations, rhythm, musicality and connection with partner. We design a program according to your own goals and requirements.

  • While group classes are necessary to work on the social aspects of this beautiful art form, during private lessons we focus on the specific details of your dance which are important in achieving your goal of being a great dancer, a true milonguera or milonguero.

Book your private lesson

Argentine Tango dancing with Mimi at our intermediate class: musicality dancing Di Sarli

Argentine Tango dancing with Mimi at our intermediate class: musicality dancing Di Sarli

Are we on the same page?

Our commitment at Escuela de Tango de Buenos Aires (Argentine Tango School) is to make you a great dancer.
You need to understand that we do this because we have chosen to be great dancers ourselves.
If your interest is cheap and easy entertainment, we are not on the same page.
To become a great dancer you need to dedicate resources to such a project: in time, in exercising, in taking a portion of well focused time to learn from a great dancer and qualified teacher.
You should understand that we do this because we care about Tango. We do not want Tango to be degraded, to be reduced to a shallow way of amusement, for no other reason than easy distraction. Our whole planet Earth is being degraded for no good reason.
This may be a surprising new way of thinking for you. We are shaped by habits.

Maybe Tango could be a way to think about your life in a different way, a way that teaches you how to be more aware, more thoughtful, and guides you to make choices with better sense and taste.

If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area and want to learn to dance Tango, you can:

Learn to dance Argentine Tango

Argentine Tango private lesson with Marcelo Solis

Private lessons

Are the way to learn Argentine Tango

  • At our private lessons we work intensely on foundations, rhythm, musicality and connection with partner. We design a program according to your own goals and requirements.

  • While group classes are necessary to work on the social aspects of this beautiful art form, during private lessons we focus on the specific details of your dance which are important in achieving your goal of being a great dancer, a true milonguera or milonguero.

Book your private lesson