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Argentine Tango School

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What is your goal in learning Tango?

Bailando con Cristina en El Beso. Escuela de Tango de Buenos Aires. MilongasTango is a multi-dimensional art form.

Most see it primarily as a dance. This is absolutely true: it is a dance.

However, what I consider unavoidable to understand is that dance involves much more than an activity reduced to visiting a dance studio, practicing a series of body movements and gestures that later are going to be repeated more or less by heart, with attention only to the body movements, without any consideration of the music (and by “music” I mean: listening to every musical note, beat and silence of it, knowing the name of the song, who plays it, who composed the song, the general history of all of it and all of them ..), the environment in which the dance is going to be performed (in case of Tango: the “milongas”), the social aspects of it (the codes of behavior at the milongas, its ethics and aesthetics), and the role that the dancer (as an individual participating in that whole approach to dancing) is going to take.

If I am going to learn all that, if I am going to dedicate that much of my time and energy to it, I would only do it if I am passionate about it.

And why? What is my goal in all that?

Sometimes, in my classes, I have to face the problem of letting my students know that dancing does not require “pretending”, but rather “being” yourself. A particular movement is usually so simple, that the real core of the move is the character that you imprint in it, which is your character, your “self”.

Since there exists a prejudice to see dancing only as a “performing art”, the initial approach is usually to “pretend”: something like pretending to be on a stage dancing for an audience. And a movement that in essence is very simple (and easy), comes out with a very artificial look. That is all unconscious. Naturally there is a tendency to hide ourselves from the eyes of others, and that artificiality serves as “defense mechanism” to protect you from whoever may take advantage of knowing you.

Dancing is supposed to be easy, and it will be easy if you strengthen yourself.

You will be thankful to Tango forever.

Tango asks you to be honest, and show your honest self. Very probably, at the beginning you do not recognize yourself in what appears when you allow yourself to be natural, let it go, and you may not like it! But, good news, once you know yourself and how you actually move, you can change it, you can shape it, and you can work on making yourself more elegant without pretending. And that is going to make you stronger. And for that, you will be thankful to Tango forever.

That is why I consider the process of teaching/learning tango as requiring some “familiarity” approach. Let’s be aware that the generation of my parents in Argentina learned tango from close relatives and friends, so those “defense mechanisms” were at their lowest level of alert.

When I came to teach Tango for the first time to the Bay Area, I tried to adapt my teaching method to the general rationalistic/ballroom-like approach the students were expecting (my limited knowledge of English, and the fact that everybody was more or less of a stranger to me also contributed to the adaptation of that approach). However, overtime I realized that it mostly did not help students to understand the particular characteristics that makes Tango what it is. So I decided to return to the “familiar” approach we all are used to in Argentina, although sometime it does not match the new students’ expectations.

Many times a new student asks me: – When am I going to be ready to go to milongas?

My answer is: – Whenever you want to go.

The student would reply: – But I am a beginner, those people in the milongas are too advanced, and they are not going to dance with me!

What you really need, in order to go to a milonga and have a good time, is basic social skills.

Basically, you need self-awareness and a good sense of placement. If you are nice, people will be nice to you. If you relax and enjoy of being at a place where everybody is enjoying the experience of tango, pay attention and listen to the beautiful music tango is, allow yourself to be happy (Tango should make you happy. Why would you do it if were not so?), the aura of happiness makes people want to be near you.
Milongas are the best places to see people dancing Tango. It is the place to see Tango in its own environment. It is a great opportunity for you, during your first visits to the milongas, to watch the dance, to see the dancers. You will learn a lot just from watching.

Also, if Tango is to become a part of your life, the milonga is going to be your home. Those who do not regularly go to milongas develop an abstract (false, incongruent) image of Tango. Beware: there are many “teachers” on that list.

Tango is democratic. At the milongas, your title, either you are a PHD, a CEO, a Prince, a tango teacher or a performer does not matter. What matters is how good you are as a milonguero or milonguera.

When I talk about milongas and milongueros, my image is one of my favorite milongas in Buenos Aires. I work on reproducing their main characteristics here, in the Bay Area, organizing and hosting milongas, and educating my students as milongueros and milongueras in my classes. I want to take an opportunity now to say thank you to all my business partners, assistants, dedicated students and regulars of the milongas and classes I host. It would not be possible without you. Thank you!!!

In order to effectively recreate what I enjoy there, one of my key activities are my trips to Buenos Aires. I organize a trip twice a year, during spring and fall. These trips are very educative: Buenos Aires is a big city; you have hundreds of choices to do Tango activities. But keep in mind that Tango is, for many, a business, a source of income.

You can take a look to the documentary “Tango, bayle nuestro” (“Tango, our dance”), by Jorge Zanada, 1988.

When tango came back to the mainstream in Argentina, during the middle 80’s, it was a” tsunami”. It suddenly inundated the sociocultural scene of Buenos Aires and other cities. It produced a big demand on the “market” that was very undersupplied. The milongueros at the time, were very unaware of that process. You can take a look to the documentary Tango, bayle nuestro” (“Tango, our dance”), by Jorge Zanada, 1988. It that documentary you can see the old milongueros of 1987 stating that Tango “had died”.

It happened that most of the people, who took the lead in satisfying the strong “demand” for Tango, were “sociocultural entrepreneurs”, only tangentially related to Tango. Some of them are still predominant in the Tango scene of Buenos Aires. Their initial lead was essential to the revival of Tango. They helped to create the conditions that allowed later the milongueros’ comeback to the mainstream, so the people with real knowledge of Tango were able to organize milongas and teach new milongueros.

That is why, if you go to Buenos Aires without a guidance of a real insider, most probably you will come to know tango as an entertainment industry, much improvised, very “homemade”, but an industry, not a culture.

Your emotions to come out in your walk.

One last thing: is walking boring? When you exercise your walk at the beginning of the class, do you feel bored? I have to tell you: if you get bored when you do this exercise (walking), you most probably will be a very boring person to dance with, when you dance during the milonga later.

That is the moment to exercise your passion, your feelings, your emotions to come out in your walk, your connection with the music, not to show it off (the pseudo performer that pretends), but to explore your own emotions. THAT will make you a dancer who is fun, enjoyable, and interesting to dance with.

Tango is passion

Marcelo-Solis-Enrosque. Argentine Tango dance classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced level. Argentine Tango dance Private lessons. one to one Argentine dance lessons. Argentine Tango dance lessons for couples. Argentine Tango Milongas and workshops.I’ve been very busy since I came back from Buenos Aires. I had plans to be in BA right now, but so much is going on that I am still here.

Writing about Tango was the one thing I missed the most, among many other things.

In the meantime, all that kept me busy—mainly teaching new students—gave me new experiences, approaches, and thoughts about how to present Tango to those who were curious about it and showed up to a Tango class for the first time.

Tango is a passion

A new student asked me in the middle of her first private class if I thought she was going to be able to dance Tango. I answered that we were dancing to the music of the Juan D’Arienzo Orchestra, recorded between 1940 and 1943, with Héctor Mauré singing and a 20-year-old Fulvio Salamanca at the piano.

I told her that Mauré used to be a professional boxer until a bad punch made him quit boxing and dedicate himself exclusively to singing. I told her that if she gets to love Tango to the point of finding that information really interesting, relevant, then she would dance, otherwise, not. I could not order her to “love it” as it would not be possible to oblige someone to fall in love with someone. Whether she falls in love with Tango or not is nothing I can do much about except to love Tango myself the way I do.

I cannot oblige my students to be passionate about Tango, but I can share my passion with them.

Some may judge me as crazy, obsessed, or neurotic, and I would reply that you cannot dance while you judge.
Dancing Tango implies dancing every single note, every nuance in the expressivity of each song’s musician. It takes knowing those songs and those musicians as you know your closest relatives and friends.

I am satisfied if a new student learns, at least, to respect Tango for what it is.

I am very patient. Tango made me so.

You do not have to rush to get to know Tango. Tango is infinite. Also, you have to enjoy your path to becoming a real milonguera or milonguero; enjoy it the way you enjoy a tasty flavored meal, even when it may get too spicy.

I will not say, “I told you that already.” I will always present the concepts you need to know and apply them as if it were the first time I presented them to you. Repetition is needed, but we can make repetition non-boring if we do it to the wonderful music that Tango is.

I promise not to say:

“Just”. Sometimes, I’ve been in the situation of explaining a move that is simple in appearance, and the student says, “Just that!?” or “Ok, just that”, or something similar. Every single move is very, very, very important. Every little part of a move is something you have to feel fully.

“I got it.” Understanding each move in Tango takes decades. We must begin somewhere, and I will patiently show you the move. But you probably won’t be able to see it all. So, please, do not undervalue it.

You need to be very humble to learn to Tango.

You need to be very humble to learn Tango. Please accept that you start from ignorance and have respect for the one who shares with you something he loves a lot. It is like introducing you to my family.

I remember a joke: One boy tells another boy – Look at that woman! She has a moustache!!!

The other boy responds – She is my mom.

And the first boy clarifies –The mustache looks very good on her!!!

On learning to dance Argentine Tango

 in Buenos Aires, includes transportation and personal assistance.

By Álvaro Dominguez.

Several years ago, drawn by my love for and interest in Tango music, I began pursuing learning how to dance Tango.

Little did I know about the experiences this new practice would bring me or the paths it would take me through.

Like most incipient Tango dancers of the twenty first century, I thought dancing was a sequence of steps requiring a great level of mastery.

Consequently, I sought popular instructors that gave the impression of doing graceful moves across the floor on their dance studios.

These wonderful instructors showed me do a bunch of steps; the ocho, the cross, the rock-step, the boleo, the molinete… all off course with Tango music in the background.

Although I had the steps under my belt I did not feel I was dancing…something was missing and I had no clue of what that was.

Pursuing the feel of dancing I began going to all the Milongas I found within a 20 miles radius.

In doing so I soon noticed that none of the popular teachers were at the Milongas.

At the time I did not think much of it, I was a novice after all, but time it made me wonder.

Over a year after I began my Tango adventure a friend invited me to join her to a class.

I had heard of the teacher but I had not met him.

The class was small and the exercises were different. No steps. The emphasis was exclusively on musicality and connection.

Following the lead of our instructor we moved, weighing the beat of the music and keeping engaged with our dance partner.

Such approach was radical compared to previous Tango instruction I had received, and I confess that initially, the relevance and importance of being fully engaged when playing the game of dancing Tango passed way over my head…but eventually I came around as I began to realize and accept that the right attitude is essential for truly dancing Tango.

A person’s attitude towards Tango is reflected in many aspects of his or her behaviors:  our posture, how assertively and in synchrony with the music we move (or not), how we emphasizing the beat with our steps (or not), and even how we choose to dress when going out to the Milonga depict and reflect our attitude towards Tango and our dance partners.

Tango is an experience, it’s an experience of engagement with the music and with our dance partner; and once I began to realize this I began to experience Tango for what it is, when you dance Tango you experience connection.

It’s been funny to realize that I’ve learned as much Tango by talking with seasoned Milongueros about the dance, the music, and the curious or funny anecdotes of singers, players, or orchestra directors as I’ve learned from dance instructors.

During these conversations I learned and began to accept that, first and foremost, Tango dancing is an act of self-expression; I learnt that Tango lives and develops at the Milonga; and I learnt that for many, dancing Tango is sacred.

The Embrace

Repeatedly I’ve heard that the embrace is the most important aspect of Tango dancing.

Being in close physical proximity to another person brings to surface many emotions; that may explain why many dancers don’t pay attention to their embrace, as if tightly holding a body you chose to embrace was a chore and not a pleasure.

Tango is connection, connection with ourselves (we must be fully present to dance), connection with our partner, and connection with the music; the embrace is where followers rest and how leaders provide assurance and guidance, and the music is the excuse for dancers to keep embraced; intermittently for about three minutes at a time; moving through the dance floor, or barely not.

A good embrace holds many paradoxes; it is firm and flexible, it gives structure and freedom of movement; a good embrace allows two to become one, only if each part is accountable for its own.  When dancing closely embraced I juggle many emotions; I want to allow and fully enjoy the sensations that arise embracing my dance partner, and at the same time I want to provide her with comfort and assurance while she is in my arms.

The Tango embrace represents the juice of human relations, we offer ourselves to our dance partner and to the dance floor, and whether we like it or not, part of our emotional being comes out naked.

Thus, if we believe this and the embrace brings to surface so many emotions; how do we choose who to dance with?

Seasoned milongueros and milongueras agree that when they are not engaged dancing or socializing at the Milonga they pay attention to the dancers on the floor: who is moving gracefully?  Who is musical? Who is having a good time? Is their dance partner having a good time?

All this information is processed consciously and unconsciously, and the result is our decision of who we want to dance with…or not.

The Milonga and its Codes

The Milonga is a social event where people gather to dance Tango.

The Milonga provides more than the physical structure, such as the quality of the dance floor, the way tables and chairs are arranged around the dance floor, or the music played by the DJ.  Like Tango, the Milonga is about attitude, and a good Milonga fosters an attitude that promotes safe dancing rendezvous.

This attitude is determined by big and minuscule details; from how you are greeted by the host to the venue’s seating arrangements; from the lighting of the space to the way the patrons dance, their social skills, and the way they cared for themselves for the occasion.

On top of all that, another essential aspect of a Milonga is the adherence to the codes of the Milonga.

The codes of the Milonga are simple – music is organized in Tandas of three or four songs by the same orchestra, tandas are separated by cortinas (a non sequitur song), and dancers dance in the line of dance, counter clock wise.

Another important code is ‘cabeceo’.  Cabeceo, or head nod, is the way you indicate another person you are interested in dancing with them.  Unfortunately, this etiquette protocol is often overlooked locally; in fact, many local dancers (San Francisco Bay Area) resist this cultural aspect of the Milonga, and refuse to accept that cabeceo is essential because it promotes better dancing.

How does cabeceo promote better dancing? You may ask; the answer is simple.


Establishing eye contact with a potential dance partner and nodding your head indicates you are asking that person to dance.

If the person being nodded wants to decline the invitation, he or she discretely stops or avoids establishing eye contact; instead if the person wants to accept the invitation, he or she maintains eye contact and gives head nod in-turn to confirm.

Once the willingness to dance has been established, the leader walks towards the follower, looking for her sight and maintaining eye contact when possible.

The follower remains on her seat, once the leader has approached and has nodded again she gets up and proceeds to accept the dance.

Let’s say you are a seasoned Tango dancer at a Milonga.

A new Tanda starts with one of your favorite songs, “Te aconsejo que me olvides” played by Troilo and sang by Fiorentino.

You know this song by heart, and you start feeling the melody slowly creeping inside your body and you start looking for the right dance partner.

Who is the right dance partner?

Is it the first available follower at sight? Is it the first leader that nods you?

Well, maybe.

Sometimes those are our best options and we take them; however, more seasoned dancers usually don’t.

The Milonga is a social event, not a practice, and in general we want to dance with partners of our own dancing level, a partner that we are confident will understand how we move and respond accordingly.

When there is a big gap between dance partners’ abilities, it is likely that one is enjoying it more than the other, and this gap means that degree of self-expression is distorted.

Although we learn much by dancing with a more experienced dancer, the Milonga is not a practice.

Going back to you, seasoned dancer, at the Milonga where “Te aconsejo que me olvides” just opened the Tanda; you look around and see followers and leaders scaning the room for potential dance partners.

So, who do you want to dance this Tanda with…maybe someone with whom you’ve already enjoyed dancing Troilo with, maybe a leader with a melting embrace, maybe a soft and sensitive follower that is like a cloud flowing with the slightest breeze.

The beauty of cabeceo is that it clearly sets the difference between a practica and a Milonga; it allows dancers to respectfully decline an invitation, or to accept without uttering a word.

At Escuela de Tango de Buenos Aires we are committed to bring to you a complete Argentine Tango experience. Learn to dance Tango with us.

Seven tips for women who want to dance more in the milonga.

Written by Marcelo Castelo and published in ArgenTango magazine #2.

Translated by Olga Matveeva

Dancing at milongas | Argentine TangoThroughout the years, milonga organizers have heard continuous complaints from women: “Tonight I danced very little”, “There are no men”, or “I am not asked to dance”.

The reality is, in general, in many milongas the quantity of women is larger than men.

Adding that the men also take breaks between tandas to get a drink or perhaps smoke a cigarette lowers the women’s possibility of getting a dance. However, women also wonder: what do they contribute from their part to the fact that they dance less or more?

To help all those women, here are some suggestions that, albeit obvious, are worth repeating and would perhaps increase their possibility of dancing in the milonga.

1) Learn to look

It is known that in the traditional milonga, the invitation is made by the man employing cabeceo.

So it is essential for the woman to learn to observe and notice these looks and gestures.

Sometimes we see women at the beginning of the tanda getting distracted, not paying attention to the man’s signals, so the latter changes his mind and invites someone else.

In other cases, for shyness or intimidation, women refuse to look directly at men and end up sitting. Hence, stay alert under the men’s glances, especially at the beginning of each tanda.

2) Put on your best face

A milonga is a place where people want to relax and forget their everyday problems.

For that reason, men will keep away from a woman with a sour facial expression.

Your most attractive feature is your smile.

Be in a happy mood; others will perceive it. A good moment to show your cheerful disposition would be a salsa break. In my personal opinion, this is the most critical advice.

3) Care where you sit in the room

Often women ask to be seated in places far from being the best to get more dances.

Being in the first row, closest to the dance floor is not always the best.

When no men are on the sides or in front within a reasonable distance, women will have to wait until someone walks closer to their table.

Once you get a seat, study the best angle to direct the glances at prospective partners.

4) Do not always expect the best

That one illustrates very well the paradox of the dancer: the better one learns to dance, the fewer possibilities occur to apply it for the lack of suitable partners.

It is inevitable one wishes to dance with somebody better than him/her, but if it were always the case, nobody would ever dance with anyone!

Try to go to the milonga with no expectations beyond having some good time, and do not get super selective with the occasional partners.

Also, dancing is not everything; let’s not reject the opportunity to meet interesting people just because they do not fulfill our expectations as dancers.

5) Improve your dance level; take lessons

A recurrent saying among milongueros is that everyone believes to be a better dancer than he or she is.

It does not matter what you think about your dance level; it matters what your partners think.

When one dances better, she gets invited more. Therefore, take lessons!

6) To be and to appear

Any woman who frequents the milongas cannot help but notice: when a well-dressed man enters, wearing an elegant dark suit, and impeccable shoes, he always attracts women’s attention.

The same goes for women. Hence, if you go to a milonga where people don’t know you, the better your look, the chances are that someone will invite you to dance.

Dressing with elegance, carrying yourself with poise, behaving like a milonguera will secure you a number of invitations to the dance floor.

Of course, all that has to come with a decent level of dance.

7) Become a regular

If you jump a lot from one milonga to another, know that you always have to pay “the floor due” before people start recognizing you.

Men tend to invite partners they know, otherwise they wait for someone else to ask a woman, so they can observe her dance level.

Upon entering the milonga, greet the men you had danced with in other places.

Becoming a regular in a place is the most convenient way of securing dance invitations (providing you pay attention to all the above-mentioned advice).

Learn to dance Argentine Tango…