“El abrojito” by Osvaldo Pugliese y su Orquesta TĂpica with Alberto MorĂ¡n in vocals, 1945.
Alberto MorĂ¡n
(15 March 1922 – 16 August 1997)
He was Italian and born in Strevi, a city near Milano. He arrived in Argentina at four, finally settling in Buenos Aires.
He began to sing in a neighborhood group and soon entered a second-line orchestra with some success. The bandoneon player CristĂ³bal Herreros led it, and he performed at the cafĂ© El Nacional with him.
The young singer attracted the attention of the maestro Osvaldo Pugliese, who asked some of his musicians to listen to this singer for their opinion.
Finally, Pugliese took him to Radio El Mundo for an audition, after which he hired him while, at the same time, he advised him to use more his mezza voce.
MorĂ¡n, like many other singers, never studied either music or singing, which added to his impassioned style and unconventional way of life, making him risk his voice to such an extreme that his voice declined very early.