“Chuzas” by Alfredo Gobbi y su Orquesta Típica, 1949.

Agustín Bardi
Violinist, pianist and composer (13 August 1884 – 21 April 1941)
Bardi’s tangos were not written to be played in the manner of primitive ensembles, without harmonic concerns or aesthetic interest in achieving greater musical enhancement.
The greater technical possibilities of the musicians of later promotions allowed them to enter the spirit and the musical structure of Bardi’s tangos.
Listen and buy:
We are happy to have a collaboration with the people from tangotunes.com from whom some of you may have heard, they do high-quality transfers from original tango shellacs.
It is the number 1 source for professional Tango DJs all over the world.
- Now they started a new project that addresses the dancers and the website is https://en.mytango.online
You will find two compilations at the beginning, one tango and one vals compilation in amazing quality.
The price is 50€ each (for 32 songs each compilation) and now the good news!
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Thanks for supporting this project, you will find other useful information on the site, a great initiative.