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Argentine Tango School

“Rebeldía” by Miguel Caló y su Orquesta Típica with Raúl Iriarte in vocals, 1947 (with English translation).

“Rebeldía” by Miguel Caló y su Orquesta Típica with Raúl Iriarte in vocals, 1947 (with English translation).

Music & lyrics: Roberto Nievas Blanco / Oscar Rubens.

English translation:

With red hands squeezing my heart,
stifling a muffled cry of rancor.
Rebel like water in front of the fire,
like the sea against the rocks, today I rebel.
With your tyrant love who knows no reason,
rebellious with my own heart.
I ask you to go, to leave me,
that you walk away at once; it will be better!

I know I’ll cry later
I will never forget you.
I know that every night without your laughter, without your voice,
How much I will miss your love!
But it’s better to lose you,
than continue being a puppet
just to see you.

No, please leave me!
Today my love rebelled.

Without asking you for anything, I gave you my heart
in exchange for crumbs of your love.
I spent my heart and fortune
delivered to the madness of loving you so much.
But it was useless; I received contempt, falsehood, and humiliation in exchange for so much love.
So that’s why I’m asking you to go,
that you walk away at once, it will be better!

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We are happy to have a collaboration with the people from from whom some of you may have heard, they do high-quality transfers from original tango shellacs.

It is the number 1 source for professional Tango DJs all over the world.

  • Now they started a new project that addresses the dancers and the website is
    You will find two compilations at the beginning, one tango and one vals compilation in amazing quality.
    The price is 50€ each (for 32 songs each compilation) and now the good news!

If you enter the promo code 8343 when you register at this site you will get a 20% discount!

Thanks for supporting this project, you will find other useful information on the site, a great initiative.

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“Bohardilla” by Miguel Caló y su Orquesta Típica with Raúl Iriarte in vocals, 1944.

“Bohardilla” by Miguel Caló y su Orquesta Típica with Raúl Iriarte in vocals, 1944.

Music: Rodolfo Blasi. Lyrics: Horacio Sanguinetti.

“Joyful garret of Paris,
old memory and something gray
of those student years,
of dreamer and wanderer.

Who knows today where they will be
the companions of that yesterday
and that girlfriend of mine…
Strange memory…
the years go by
and I never forgot them.

An attic that was a poem
facing the waters of the Seine.
The snow that fell incessantly
painted a sad picture in the city.

And there, in the Latin Quarter,
the voice of an Argentine tango…
and those sad eyes of Mimi
crying the day I left.

That garret in Paris
it’s an old gray picture
that with pain I am looking,
because it is fading…

Those verses to Mimi,
sun and an April sky,
I keep remembering them…
Golden hair and blue eyes,
unforgettable for me.”

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We are happy to have a collaboration with the people from from whom some of you may have heard, they do high-quality transfers from original tango shellacs.

It is the number 1 source for professional Tango DJs all over the world.

  • Now they started a new project that addresses the dancers and the website is
    You will find two compilations at the beginning, one tango and one vals compilation in amazing quality.
    The price is 50€ each (for 32 songs each compilation) and now the good news!

If you enter the promo code 8343 when you register at this site you will get a 20% discount!

Thanks for supporting this project, you will find other useful information on the site, a great initiative.

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“Cuando tallan los recuerdos” by Miguel Caló y su Orquesta Típica with Raúl Iriarte in vocals, 1943.

“Cuando tallan los recuerdos” by Miguel Caló y su Orquesta Típica with Raúl Iriarte in vocals, 1943.

Rafael Rossi, Argentine tango musician and composer.

Rafael Rossi

Bandoneon player, composer and leader. (28 December 1896 – 24 December 1982)

He was a figure of a long and fruitful career within Tango. 

He was a bandoneonist, leader, and composer who achieved far-reaching popularity and prestige in Argentina through his abundant and qualified output as a composer and also as a consequence of his active labor on radio, on records, and, above all, on tours throughout the vast territory of the province of Buenos Aires.

With Enrique Cadicamo, he composed a beautiful tango: “Cuando tallan los recuerdos”.

Read more about Rafael Rossi at

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We are happy to have a collaboration with the people from from whom some of you may have heard, they do high-quality transfers from original tango shellacs.

It is the number 1 source for professional Tango DJs all over the world.

  • Now they started a new project that addresses the dancers and the website is
    You will find two compilations at the beginning, one tango and one vals compilation in amazing quality.
    The price is 50€ each (for 32 songs each compilation) and now the good news!

If you enter the promo code 8343 when you register at this site you will get a 20% discount!

Thanks for supporting this project, you will find other useful information on the site, a great initiative.

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“Fruta amarga” by Miguel Caló y su Orquesta Típica with Raúl Iriarte in vocals, 1945.

“Fruta amarga” by Miguel Caló y su Orquesta Típica with Raúl Iriarte in vocals, 1945.

Hugo Gutiérrez

Violinist, singer and composer (2 December 1904 – 21 June 1976)

Hugo Gutiérrez was a violinist in Miguel Caló’s orchestra, among many other important orchestras.

He also sang, and after winning an important singing contest he develops a career as a singer.

As a composer, he produced several masterpieces with lyrics by the most prominent lyricists.

Read more about Hugo Gutiérrez at

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“Margo” by Miguel Caló y su Orquesta Típica with Raúl Iriarte in vocals, 1945.

“Margo” by Miguel Caló y su Orquesta Típica with Raúl Iriarte in vocals, 1945.

Homero Expósito, Argentine Tango poet and lyricist.

Homero Expósito

Poet and lyricist (5 November 1918 – 23 September 1987)

He was the most original, the most important, and the most representative of the poets in Tango, since the brilliant generation of the 40s.

With his never-ending poetic inspiration, Expósito has achieved with evolved and original literary sense the charm of reverting some of the characters, of the situations, of the circumstances, of the legends, corresponding to the thematic choice of Tango.

It is undoubtedly that the artistic expressions are beautifully valuable because of its intrinsic esthetic contents, but with absolute ignorance of the inexorable passing of the calendar days, which in no way can be considered the standard for the force or the caducity of determinate expressions of creative inspiration.

Read more about Homero Expósito at

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