Argentine Tango virtual classes and private lessons online
For some time now, we have been considering ways to bring Tango to more people throughout the world, as well as to provide a more convenient option for local students.
With the ongoing COVID-19 situation, we have accelerated our plans to offer you virtual classes.
If this is your first time taking a virtual class, we want to reassure you that we’ve chosen a user-friendly platform to ease you into online learning.
If you’re wondering whether you’ll receive the full benefits of an in-person class, the feedback we receive from students is that virtual group classes and private lessons are just as impactful as in person, if not more so in some cases.
The key to a positive online learning journey is possessing the discipline to put in the necessary effort and maintain flexibility.
You will have the instant connection with your teachers or peers, and the motivation to concentrate on work and not be distracted, perhaps even more than during regular in person classes.
Online classes and private lessons can actually be an advantage.
You’ll be surprised to receive advice and observations from your teachers that can be more meaningful than what you might find in a traditional classroom.
There are many advantages to online group classes and private lessons, among them is that it takes place from the comfort of your home.
Tango is waiting for you… Don’t miss out!!!
Here you can take a look to one of the exercises we work during our virtual online classes: