“Cuidado con los 50” by Carlos Di Sarli y su Orquesta Típica, 1954.
Ángel Villoldo
Composer and lyricist
(16 February 1861 – 14 October 1919)
It was composed as a result of the resolution issued by the Chief of Police, Colonel Ramón L. Falcón, on December 28, 1906, about words, acts and obscene gestures.
Already in 1889 a police order had established “those who publicly offend modesty with words, acts or obscene gestures” will suffer, the first time, 15 days of arrest or fifty pesos of fine.
“The police personnel are reminded of the duty attributed to them by the regulations in force, to constantly watch over morality and good manners, as well as to prevent anyone from being molested or provoked with gestures or words that infer offense to modesty; proceed with the utmost effort in the prevention of that failure and with the utmost rigor in the repression when it is attacked against ladies, girls, the elderly, people of the cult and in general of all those that because of sex, difference of strength, weakness, etc. they can not repel the aggressions or assure or persecute the authors to denounce them to the authority “.
José Gobello, “Conversando tangos” Buenos Aires: A. Peña Lillo Editor, 1976.