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Argentine Tango School

Argentine Tango follower’s technique 11: Pivot, forward step and collect

  • From this forward step to the next position going forward, in which you will transfer your weight to this now front foot, your torso is already rotating towards the center of the couple, so the foot that remains behind, by the pull of this torsion, which gets the shape of a spiral, turns your back foot, first, inside edge in contact with the floor, and then, makes it travel next to your sagittal line, to the “collect/inside edge position”.

Do you have questions about Argentine Tango dance?

If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area and want to learn to dance Tango, you can:

Argentine Tango private lesson with Marcelo Solis

Private lessons

Are the way to learn Argentine Tango
  • At our private lessons we work intensely on foundations, rhythm, musicality and connection with partner. We design a program according to your own goals and requirements.

  • While group classes are necessary to work on the social aspects of this beautiful art form, during private lessons we focus on the specific details of your dance which are important in achieving your goal of being a great dancer, a true milonguera or milonguero.
