Argentine Tango dancing with Miranda: final review of intermediate class
We should, at any point, pause in life, by stepping out of the frantic rhythm we have become accustomed for various reasons (let’s not waste more time trying to list them all.)
Perhaps, in our eager race to reach (where?), we forgot simple things: to breathe, to take a conscious look at our direction, to gauge the way ahead, to prepare our tactics, to develop a strategy, to remember to close our mouth to avoid being misunderstood, or worse, misunderstand ourselves.
The time is now. Now is when you woke up. You may choose to get cozy and snooze for a few more years, and on and on for the rest of your life. Time goes either way.
We age; what matters is how: you can improve yourself, becoming a better version of your persona everyday. To pursue this goal (which is never complete) you need to consider your body.
At the entrance of the temple of Apollo, in the Oracle of Delphi, it is written “Know thyself”.
What you are is placed in your body. Knowing your body is essential to achieve indispensable wisdom.
The art of Tango teaches you ways to explore your whole self, assisting you with comprehending your emotions, your quiet thoughts, your unconscious habits interacting with others that often mislead you and make you fall into your own involuntary traps.
Tango helps you acquire a knowledge without which you could one day find yourself to be a stranger.
If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area and want to learn to dance Tango, you can:
Private lessons
Are the way to learn Argentine Tango
At our private lessons we work intensely on foundations, rhythm, musicality and connection with partner. We design a program according to your own goals and requirements.
While group classes are necessary to work on the social aspects of this beautiful art form, during private lessons we focus on the specific details of your dance which are important in achieving your goal of being a great dancer, a true milonguera or milonguero.