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Argentine Tango School

Argentine Tango Technique 9: Forward ochos with Marcelo Solis.

Argentine Tango dance technique 9: Forward ocho

  • From this forward step to the next position going forward, in which you will transfer your weight to this now front foot, your torso is already rotating towards the center of the couple, so the foot that remains behind, by the pull of this torsion, which gets the shape of a spiral, turns your back foot, first, inside edge in contact with the floor, and then, makes it travel next to your sagittal line, to the “collect/inside edge position”.
  • After this “collect/inside edge position”, we research in these possibilities: 1. Forward ocho: Pivot more continuing on the same direction of your stablished rotation and move your free of weight foot forward, aligned with your lower sagittal plane, your torso torquing according to counter body movement, orientating the center of your chest to the central axis of the couple.

Marcelo Solis

I was born in Argentina. Through my family and the community that saw my upbringing, I have been intimately involved with the culture of Tango all my life, and have been an Argentine Tango dance performer, choreographer and instructor for over 30 years. I profoundly love Tango dancing, music, and culture, particularly that of the Golden Era. I am a milonguero.

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